Interesting Topics (to me)

I have so much more freedom in retirement to follow up topics that call to my heart and mind. But then the question is: What can I do with this information?

One answer is to post it here. But I'm also seeking face-to-face communities here in northern NJ to engage with some of the justice issues I care about. It's why Janice and I have started attending the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood.

Anyway here's where some of my time has been spent online lately...

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand spoke late last month in Australia about "Why Good Government Matters." John Nichols of The Nation said, "What you'll be blown away by is that a leader of a country would go this deep and talk in such fundamental ways."

New Jersey's "Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act" has gone into effect. It allows for competent patients with a terminal illness (6 months or less to live) to request (twice orally, separated by 15 days, and once in writing) their attending physician for a prescription that would enable them to end their own lives. The elaborate rules in the law ( and further regulations yet to be written mean that this cannot be a spur-of-the-moment decision. Still, the option to hasten the end of my life, rather than prolong the dying might feel like a useful resource to me in that situation.

And then there's the Democratic debates...

I've worked to turn them on, and stay awake to the end. (I thought I'd drifted off as I tried to make sense of VP Biden's final invitation to "Go to Joe 30330" on Wednesday!) I guess something of the personality of each candidate shines through the glitz and sententiousness of the cable hosting setup. And the gossipy set-up questions ("Did you hear what they said about you? What's your response?") might give us a glimpse of how a candidate responds under pressure. But presentations in 60-, 30- and 15-second bursts don't leave me feeling informed!

I've assembled a playlist ( of longer videos on YouTube that show each candidate relatively unscripted and speaking/conversing at length. I haven't viewed through them yet, but when I'm finished, I plan to choose a candidate and commit to helping out. And a year from now, I plan to be working as hard as I can to get No. 45's finger off the nuclear button.

--Jubilating Jack
